Saturday, November 24, 2007

Great Football

today I got to go to the BYU/Utah game with some of the boys. Generally when I hear someone say, you need to be there in person to get into the spirit, I respond with a tip of my D.P. can from my sofa watching the game on the tube with all of the replays. Yet I think I got the idea today. There was some great electricity in the air, the stands were all full well before kick-off and as the game progressed you could really sense how the crowd had an impact. It was one of the best games I've seen for a long while!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Marrying Man

today I got to marry a young couple. She has been married, divorced and has three kids. For him its the first time. The names were great to pronounce: She's Hawaiian and he's Chinese. When I ask him the solemn question, rather that saying "I Do" he said. "yeah, I guess so". I hope they have a great honeymoon.