Monday, September 21, 2009

A Monday

I'm not too far into Monday yet but It has lived up to the cultural designation thus far. I got up early and grouted the tile in the upstairs bathroom that I've been working on. That was OK but I was sweating buckets as I washed up the excess grout, and kneeling just hurts anymore. Then I started fixing breakfast (eggs & toast) only to find that we didn't have any bread out. I got some fromt he freezer and started defrosting it. Then noticed we didn't have any butter except in the freezer. Finally got all that put together and ate some semi-cold eggs.
Left for work, luckily didn't stop and get a drink. Stopped at the light by UVU. When the light changed we moved forward a bit then two cars ahead of me the guy stopped again. The guy behind me didn't see that and banged into me. When we finally got pulled over to the side I couldn't see any damage to my truck and his front end only had a bent licence plate other than a sore neck, maybe it wasn't all that bad after all?
Only justification was that whatever they guy was eating when he hit me was all over him when he got out of the car. Ha Ha


JethRobyn said...

Oh man, i'm glad everything is ok.

Jancisco said...

what a bummer day. I'm sorry but I'm glad he didn't wreck your car.

Bus Gillespie said...

My backbone kept popping yesterday, which isn't unusual it was just more frequent than normal, but today I'm feeling normal.